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Godot Synth Engine

Powerful and flexible audio synthesis engine collection for use with the Godot 4.4+
SFX and procedural music.

Godot Synth Engine

A powerful and flexible synthesizer engine for Godot 4, providing virtual analog synthesis with extensive modulation capabilities and audio effects.


  • Virtual Analog Synthesis: High-quality oscillators with multiple waveform types
  • Extensive Modulation System: ADSR envelopes, LFOs, velocity tracking, keyboard tracking
  • Rich Effects Processing: Filters, delays, distortion, reverb and more
  • Fully Scriptable: Complete control from GDScript
  • Polyphonic Playback: Support for multiple simultaneous voices
  • Preset System: Create and save your own sound presets

Basic Usage

extends Node

@export var sound: VASynthConfiguration

func _ready():
    # Create a synth player
    var synth =
    synth.configuration = sound
    # Play a note
    var context = synth.get_context()
    context.note_on(60, 0.8)  # MIDI note 60 (C4) with velocity 0.8
    # Stop the note after 1 second
    await get_tree().create_timer(1.0).timeout

Most of the synth configuration can be done directly in the Godot Editor using the inspector. Detailed tutorials with images will be added soon.

Documentation Sections


  • Virtual analog engine
  • Chord Engine
  • 4 OP FM Engine
  • Formant Engine
  • Wavetable Engine
  • Gold braided cable emulation
  • Custom editor window for testing sounds in editor
  • Single track step sequencer module
  • “Curve” modulation source
  • LFO lookup table caching
  • SIMD optimizations
  • Sound caching and async preloading
  • Warmer tone slider